By The Forest Tarn (sold)


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This is my ode to Swedish painter and illustrator John Bauer (1882-1918) and his mystical fairytale artworks that I have loved since I was a child. Growing up in Sweden these kind of mystical (and often dark) folk tales and fairytales are always close to my heart.

‘One of the most famous works by Bauer, – Still, Tuvstarr sits and gazes down into the water (Ännu sitter Tuvstarr kvar och ser ner i vattnet), 1913, produced for the 7th volume of Among Gnomes and Trolls. The fairy tale of Princess Tuvstarr, or Princess Cotton Grass, was created by Helge Kjellin. In the story, the little Princess Tuvstarr leaves the Dream Castle to explore the dark forest. She is accompanied by the wise elk named Leap (Skutt the Moose in Swedish), who warns her of the evils of the forest. Throughout the story, the princess is robbed of her crown and her beautiful white gown, left only with a golden heart necklace that was given to her by her mother. The elk carries the princess to a lake deep in the forest, and although she is warned to be cautious of the water, Tuvstarr leans in too close and the golden heart drops into the water. Wishing to find her heart, the inconsolable princess sits on the grassy banks of the lake, and over many years turns into a slender plant with a white head of cotton – a cotton grass. Bauer shows Princess Tuvstarr after she has lost her heart of gold – still human, the nude girl with tresses of long white hair sits in a mysterious forest by her lonesome and looks down into the dark waters below.’ (source

60 cm x 45.5 cm
Acrylic and paint pen on thin edge canvas. Ready to hang.

Shipping not included in price, contact me for a quote. Local pick up available in Brisbane.

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